The Group is proud to present its Sustainability Statement for the financial year ended 28 February 2022. The Board of Directors (“the Board”) committed to developing business in a sustainable and responsible manner and endeavor to strike a balanced between business profitability and corporate social responsibility towards environment and social obligations.
The Economy: The Marketplace
Business ethics and integrity are the most important core values in the Group’s culture. The Group has implemented the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy to ensuring business is conducted in a legal, ethical, transparent, sustainable and professional manner in the interest of all its stakeholders. The Group is focused on delivering products of quality and being customer focused.
The Group support local suppliers through purchase of local products and services. The Group also promote local products to overseas agents and customers which indirectly create economic opportunities locally.
The People: The Work-place
The Group recognises its employees as one of the key asset in contributing to its business growth. Hence, the Group continuously creates a safe, healthy and conducive working environment for its employees. The Group provides equal employment opportunities and promotes workplace diversity to build an inspiring working environment.
The Group believes in continuous learning and self-improvement. The Group invests in human capital development through training and coaching, either internally or externally.The Group’s employees are equipped with knowledge, skills and competencies which required for them to work effectively in the current volatile economic environment.
The Environmental
The Group understands that its business operations would have an impact and implication on the environment. The Group constantly reviews and monitors its operations to make positive contribution to the environment, economic and social well-being of our stakeholders, employees and the broader community.
At operationfacilities, machinery and equipment are maintained in good working condition to ensure minimal emission and environmental impact and wastes are disposed of in a proper and compliant manner.
The Group continuously encourages its employees to recycle and/or reduce wastage on the consumption of resources that wastage are kept to the minimum.
The Community
The Group is fully aware and committed in fulfilling its social obligations in improving the lifestyle and well-being of the community. The Group has provided fair employment opportunities and necessary training to the local community, the Group aims to eventually improve their livelihood and standard of living. The local stewardship of human resources plays an important role in sustainable resource use.